Virtual FOCSLE Music
Last WEDNESDAYs of every month  8pm UK

Contact Paul about any Virtual events

Page updated 24th June '24.  index [details of and links to live and in‑person events m.o.’s], was also updated then

8pm is UK time (BST)  = 3pm Eastern / New York Time  = 12noon Pacific
Online music events continue, subject to demand, alongside our ‘live’ Sings
Not on our e-list?  Please e-mail.  Note we no longer show event-access details anywhere online.
Technical problems with the link?  Note:  arriving at the Sing, post-start-time, but finding no‑one there is not a “technical” problem:  IF it happens, apologies:  that’s just me – or a proxy M.C. – running late, for usual human reasons!
As I’m sole contact, and my tech. is primitive* [e.g. no smartphone, no inter-connection between devices], so you usually can’t reach me by e-mailing* in the ¼-hr. before start-time.
Just toddle off and e.g. put the kettle on, or pour a glass, and somebody competent should turn up…  It’s cock-up, not conspiracy:  honest!     * if I can read e-mail, it means I’m AT the computer!  If I’m at the computer and not at the Sing, THAT’S a “technical” problem!!  :-)  And, believe you me, I’ll be trying like billy-o to sort it…
Joining us from elsewhere?  Calculate the time in your area here.  If you need to, dial from other countries using these nos.
For details of other ways to access our virtual space, please e‑mail, or, as relevant to your device.
We respectfully ask that you keep any event codes you receive from us, OFF social media (Facebook, Twitter, et al.), or in other music Zoom Chat spaces.  To help spread the word, pls. let interested friends have FOCSLE Music’s e‑mail address:  Thanks for obliging.
New to Zoom &/or need help optimizing your sound settings?  See next box down
Need more folk fix?  See this International Calendar of virtual music events;  or this US West Coast one, now mixed with its in‑person events;  or even this – their mag. is worth subscribing to, anyway – FolkLife UK.
Don’t blame the compilers if, as virtual events get replaced by in‑person ones, organizers don’t bother to inform the Calendar-keepers and they begin to show inaccuracies.  Use some cyber-nous to root out the event’s web-presence and check via that method what’s happening, and ask them to report that to the relevant Calendar.


You don’t HAVE to sign up for an account to use Zoom, or to enjoy our virtual events.  That’s the only quibble I have with these admirably clear directions.  Contact
Paul to find out how to use Zoom with no account.
Mac or PCZoom basics, optimizing for music & enabling Original Sound on desktops or laptops
Apple iPad / iPhone:  Zoom basics, optimizing for music & enabling Original Sound on mobile devices
  Most Android equivalents are shown herein;  other controls should be similar, but may use different terms, and show icons in different places
Original Sound is esp. good for singers with instruments, but most music, esp. any with sustained notes, seems to benefit.
  Even with no audience present, tweak your settings by starting a Zoom from your own a/c.
The Golden Link Folk Singing Society, of Rochester  NY, provided these instructions.  Thanks to them, and their webmaster [and no mean musician] Dan Kuchta, for OK-ing our linking to them.
GL’s online sessions have now ceased, as they’ve reverted to in-person activities only, but I’d like to record here my personal thanks for the Godsend that their virtual events were, during the depths of the Pandemic.
They may eventually decide it’s a waste of website space harbouring these instructions, and delete the pages.  I’d appreciate your reporting this, if you find it before me.  Thanks.
Back up page…
Most of the time, Virtual FOCSLE Music is set up so, if you arrive before the M.C., you’ll be able to chat with others who have, too;  or even to start the music sans M.C. [an ‘accidental’ format, and you’d have to take responsibility for muting yourselves, but it CAN work, in extremis]

Click here for the list of all planned in‑person events
or here to return to homepage